Manual on Transport Economics Project Appraisal
This manual was written for the Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Finance in Israel. It included evaluating economic and financial costs through the various components of a project, and evaluating annual maintenance costs and unexpected costs through different design phases.
Economic Feasibility Study of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines in Netanya in Israel
This project is one of the first BRT projects in Israel, and as such entailed the development of new models for estimating modal split with BRT, vehicle operating costs for BRT, transfer penalties from different transport modes, and other BRT-related issues.
Economic Feasibility Study to Widen the Ayalon Freeway in Israel
This project was based on one of the most heavily congested highways in Israel, with approximately 600,000 vehicles per day. The study included analysis of traffic counts, micro-simulation of several alternatives, and a full economic feasibility study, using economic indices.
Economic Feasibility Study of Road #41 in Israel
Road #41 is a major road in the country leading from the Port of Ashdod to the Cross-Israel Highway, a major road artery in Israel. The study included modelling and timing of th various parts of the projects, varying road configuration alternatives, analysis of traffic assignments for several target years, micro-simulation of several alternatives, and a full economic feasibility study, using economic indices.
Economic Feasibility Study of the Givat Shmuel Interchange in Israel
This interchange is one of the most congested highways (Highway #4) in the country, with approximately 300,000 AADT. The study included analysis of traffic counts, micro-simulation of several alternatives, and a full economic feasibility study, using economic indices.
Economic Feasibility Study of Road #654 in Israel
This rural area project in Israel included the estimation of the road’s economic impacts on freight flows, agricultural land uses, safety impacts, and the benefit cost analysis of the road and its effects on the overall road network.
Economic Feasibility Study of the Tara Interchange in Israel
This interchange is situated on one of the most heavily congested highways in Israel, the Ayalon Freeway (approximately 600,000 AADT). The study included the estimation of economic impacts, origin-destination pairs, benefit cost analysis, and multi-modal analysis.
Economic Feasibility Study – Cross-Israel Highway
This project was based on the country’s the first toll road and is still considered to be the largest road infrastructure project in Israel. The project included analysis of origin-destination surveys, willingness-to-pay surveys, traffic assignments, modal split, and calculation of economic parameters for various road construction and road configuration alternatives, with and without implementation of a toll mechanism.
Economic Evaluation of Road Sections in Haifa, Israel
This project focused on the study of road/rail crossings in the Haifa Port, together with several specific construction and maintenance alternatives. The project including an engineering/economic evaluation using economic indices.