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Demand & Supply Forecasting

Demand & Supply Forecasting

Economikr has years of experience in demand and supply forecasting of various markets, including demand and supply in transport, electricity, and various kinds of waste. Demands are assessed in a process that includes detailed market or industry analyses, surveys of relevant government bodies and potential end-users. Forecasting is performed using traditional economic theory, while calibrating to specific market needs, including the presence of monopolies and cartels when required.


Economikr’s demand and supply forecasting is unique, in that it identifies a variety of realistic options for achieving the intended outcomes, and rigorously examine the costs, risks and benefits of each, using primary and secondary data on demand, consultations, and relevant benchmarks. 

Sample Projects 

Survey of Natural Gas Distribution Market in Israel

Performed under subcontract to Economic Models Ltd. for Noble Energy, this project entailed estimating the demand from natural gas plants of varying sizes throughout Israel. It also included possible supply sources, constraints, and estimating costs for different sized organizations. 

Estimating Economic Potential of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) in Israel

Supported by Israel Oil Refineries, and performed under subcontract to Economic Models Ltd, this project included a survey of world supply and demand sources, and estimating the economic profitability of importing LNG to Israel to produce electricity.

Estimation Model of Natural Gas Demand in Israel

Another significant project performed for Noble Energy, performed under subcontract to Economic Models Ltd, this project estimated the demand for natural gas from various sources - Israel Electric Corporation (including replacing coal electricity supply with natural gas), direct industrial demand, cogeneration for large scale plants such as Israel Chemicals, American Israel Paper Mills (AIPM), and Independent Private Producer (IPP) demand, such as Dorad. The project included production estimation of electricity production using traditional production fuels. The estimates were based on the national electricity demand forecast, market distribution between Noble Energy and Egyptian gas, and estimating sales revenue under various price structures. 


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