Our expertise in transport economics projects includes a diverse blend of economic evaluations and economic impact analysis of transportation projects at the local, regional and national levels. Economikr’s transport economics’ projects cover rail, road, ports, and public transport, and each economic evaluation can include modal split, road safety, value of time, vehicle operating costs, and environmental cost estimates of pollution and noise.
With extensive experience in Asset Management Systems, including Road Management Systems, Port Management Systems, and Bridge Management Systems, our projects include a range of models, such as vehicle operating costs, time savings, accident savings, construction/maintenance cost estimates using deterioration curves, and ranking and optimization. Implemented in Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Israel, Mozambique, Nigeria, Panama, Romania, and Uganda, these projects also included developing cost breakdowns, performing budget analyses, cost-benefit analyses using economic indices, economic analyses and evaluation of transport infrastructure projects both at the single-project level and at the network level.
Economikr continues to develop and deploy new methods for identifying the economic effects of transportation projects across the globe. Spanning all modes of transport, Economikr’s studies address the economic, social and environmental aspects of transport projects. These methodologies have been implemented in economic feasibility studies, market structure assessments, and in project planning and budget prioritization programs on local, regional and nation-wide levels.
Go To: Economic Impact Analysis Economic Feasibility and Financial Studies Economic Modeling and Software Development Asset Management Systems
Economic Impact Analysis
Economic Impact Analysis refers to the effects of transportation investments on the economy, as we carefully examine how transportation projects affect regional or national productivity, business competitiveness and economic growth. Economic impact analysis is well practiced in the USA, and is becoming more practiced in other parts of the world.
Measuring Economic Development Impacts from Transportation Projects
Performed for the TRB (Transportation Research Board) SHRP 2 (Strategic Highway Research Program), under subcontract to EDR Group, this project focused on developing methodologies estimating job creation from several types of transportation projects, including rail, roads, and public transport.
Estimating Economic Benefits and Impacts for the Chicago Metropolitan Public Transport Program
This project, performed under subcontract to EDR Group, included the evaluation of light rail alternatives and its benefits in terms of additional output (GDP), jobs, wages, modal split, and other factors.
California High Speed Rail Economic Impact and Feasibility Study
Performed with EDR Group, this project dealt with the design and construction of a high-speed rail link between San Francisco and Los Angeles. The study included economic analyses on various configurations and alternatives on ‘with’ and ‘without’ project alternatives, and economic and financial analysis.
Cost of Highway Limitations and Travel Delay to Oregon’s Economy
Performed for the Oregon Business Alliance under subcontract to EDR Group, this project including estimating economic development impacts, performing multi-modal analysis, and evaluating the economic feasibility of various network configurations.
Economic Feasibility and Financial Studies
Many Economikr projects include economic analysis and financial analysis, including analyses in the design, and in several cases, projects that were under actual construction. These projects included the calculation of benefit/cost ratio, NPV, and various types of IRR.
Economikr’s feasibility and financial studies identify viable options to achieve results based on the costs, risks and benefits of individual projects. Information from public sources is carefully integrated with Economikr extensive international experience, obtained from previous relevant assignments, thus providing added value to each of our projects, and providing its clients with a complete product.
Appraisal Manual on Transport Economics Investments
This manual was written for the Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Finance in Israel. It included evaluating economic and financial costs through the various components of a project, and evaluating annual maintenance costs and unexpected costs through different design phases.
Economic Feasibility Study of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines in Netanya in Israel
This project is one of the first BRT projects in Israel, and as such entailed the development of new models for estimating modal split with BRT, vehicle operating costs for BRT, transfer penalties from different transport modes, and other BRT-related issues.
Economic Feasibility Study to Widen the Ayalon Freeway in Israel
This project was based on one of the most congested highways in the country, with approximately 600,000 vehicles per day. The study included analysis of traffic counts, micro-simulation of several alternatives, and a full economic feasibility study, using economic indices.
Economic Feasibility Study of Road #41 in Israel
Road #41 is a major road in the country leading from the Port of Ashdod to the Cross-Israel Highway, a major road artery in Israel. The study included modelling and timing of the various parts of the projects, varying road configuration alternatives, analysis of traffic assignments for several target years, micro-simulation of several alternatives, and a full economic feasibility study, using economic indices.
Economic Feasibility Study of Three Main Roads in Liberia
Performed for the World Bank, this study focused on three major roads in the country, both paved and unpaved. The study included the calibration and usage of HDM-4 (Highway Design and Maintenance) and RED (Road Economic Development) World Bank models.
Economic Feasibility Study of the Givat Shmuel Interchange in Israel
This interchange is located on one of the most congested highways (Highway #4) in the country, with approximately 300,000 AADT. The study included analysis of traffic counts, micro-simulation of several alternatives, and a full economic feasibility study, using economic indices.
Economic Feasibility Study of Road #654 in Israel
This rural area project in Israel included the estimation of the road’s economic impacts on freight flows, agricultural land uses, safety impacts, and the benefit cost analysis of the road and its effects on the overall road network.
Economic Feasibility Study of the Tara Interchange in Israel
This interchange is situated on one of the most congested highways in Israel, the Ayalon Freeway (approximately 600,000 AADT). The study included the estimation of economic impacts, origin-destination pairs, benefit cost analysis, and multi-modal analysis.
Economic Feasibility Study of the CA-02W Road in Honduras
This project included the economic analysis of Central American Highway, in its western section in Honduras. Economic analysis was performed using the HDM (Highway Design and Maintenance) World Bank model, and included several road engineering alternatives.
Economic Feasibility Study – Cross-Israel Highway
This project was based on the country’s the first toll road and is still the largest road infrastructure project in Israel. The project included analysis of origin-destination surveys, willingness-to-pay surveys, traffic assignments, modal split, and calculation of economic parameters for various road construction and road configuration alternatives, with and without implementation of a toll mechanism.
Economic Evaluation of Road Sections in Haifa, Israel
This project focused on the study of road/rail crossings in the Haifa Port, together with several specific construction and maintenance alternatives. The project including an engineering/economic evaluation using economic indices.
Economic Modeling and Software Development
Developing Tax Impact Evaluation Software
Performed for EDR Group, and presented at the TRB (Transportation Research Board) Annual Conference in Washington DC., this project focused on developing evaluation software to measure the economic tax impacts of new transportation projects. This software was included as a new module within the TREDIS economic development software.
Estimating Economic Parameters for Railway Road Grade Crossings
Carried out for the US Federal Rail Administration, under subcontract to DecisionTek, this project focused on evaluating the economic benefits of several types of transport projects, including estimating accident costs, environmental coefficients, value of time and vehicle operating costs. Further, this project used a variety of tools, including the Federal Highway Administration’s HERS-ST (Highway Economic Requirements System – States Version), STEAM (Surface Transport Efficiency Analysis Model) software programs, and the EPA’s (Environmental Protection Agency) MOBILE Vehicle Emission Modelling Software.
Junction Analysis Model for the US Federal Highway Administration
Implemented in the BCA.net computer software, this US federal government project included modelling various types of junctions and interchanges, and providing estimations on the delay and pass-through times of each junction type.
Evaluating Safety Impacts of Interurban Roundabouts in Israel
This project was based on literature surveys and related data, including before/after analysis of interurban roundabout projects and the breakdown into various types of road accidents and associated casualties.
Road Capacity Improvement Project in El Salvador
Performed for the Ministry of Public Works, El Salvador, this project included GIS integration using GPS data, interfacing with data from other software programs, economic analysis of road capacity improvement, and developing economic optimization methodologies for all of the above, that resulted in the inclusion of this module in El Salvador's Pavement Management System (PMS), also developed by Economikr.
Estimation of Roughness Effects on Vehicle Operating Costs in Israel
Performed for the Israel Ministry of Transportation and Road Safety, this project was implemented on congested urban roads in Tel Aviv, using the World Bank’s HDM-4 (Highway Design and Maintenance) model, and included developing a scale factor of increasing VOC as a function of roughness and speed parameters.
Economic Analysis of New Vehicle Types on a Rural Road (Eskdalemuir) in Scotland
This project focused on economic analysis of new type of truck (lorry) designed to transport timber. Performed for Roughton International, under subcontract to ITINERIS Global, a Colombian infrastructure company.
Economic Evaluation of the Superpave Road Rehabilitation Technique in Israel
Performed for the National Roads Company of Israel, a government-owned corporation in charge of planning, construction, and maintenance of most of the road structure in Israel. The project included an engineering/economic analysis of the Superpave road rehabilitation technique, to examine its applicability to Israeli road conditions, using engineering deterioration curves and economic analysis.
Economic Profitability Analysis of Traffic Safety Improvements in Accident Reduction in Israel
Funded by the Israel Ministry of Transportation and Road Safety, the project developed economic criteria and created an economic model for evaluating investments in traffic safety, both in urban and interurban areas. Further, the project developed transport policies with regard to road accidents, and integrating the above factors into computer software.
Externalities of Truck Loading and Transportation in Israel
Funded by the Ministry of Transportation and Road Safety, this project included externality analysis, pricing, economic evaluation, and determining the optimal tariff to levy on various types of trucks. This project was implemented as a transportation policy by the Israeli government.