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EDR Group

EDR Group

Economic Development Research Group advances state-of-the-art in measuring economic development performance, impacts and opportunities. The company provides research, consulting services and software relating to the economic and development implications of Transportation and Infrastructure Investment, Energy Programs and Projects, and Economic Development Programs and Strategies. Economikr has assisted EDR Group in a variety of economic consulting, software design and statistical analysis projects. Sample projects performed in conjunction with EDR Group are presented below. 

SHRP2 - Measuring Economic Impacts from Transport Projects

Performed in conjunction with the US SHRP (Strategic Highway Research Program), this project, referred to as SHRP2, was based on the economic impacts from transport projects, with a particular emphasis on roads. Impacts were estimated from a selection of 100 projects, using regression and other forms of statistical analyses (e.g., confidence intervals and ANOVA - Analysis of Variance). 

Estimating Economic Benefits and Impacts for the Chicago Metropolitan Public (CMAP) Transport Program

This project, performed under the auspices of EDR Group, included the evaluation of light rail alternatives and its benefits in terms of additional output (GDP), jobs, wages, modal split, and other factors. 

California High Speed Rail Economic Impact and Feasibility Study

Te study included economic analyses on various configurations and alternatives on ‘with’ and ‘without’ project alternatives, and economic and financial analysis. 

Cost of Highway Limitations and Travel Delay to Oregon’s Economy

This project including estimating economic development impacts, performing multi-modal analysis, and evaluating the economic feasibility of various network configurations. 

Developing Tax Impact Evaluation Software

Presented at the TRB (Transportation Research Board) Annual Conference in Washington DC., this project focused on developing evaluation software to measure the economic tax impacts of new transportation projects. This software was included as a new module within the TREDIS economic development software.


economic feasibility, economic feasibility study, transport economics, energy economics, environmental economics, economic consultant, economic consultancy, economic analysis, master plans, asset management systems, pavement management systems, economic evaluation, ranking and optimization, demand and supply assessment, demand and supply forecasting, economic modeling and research, benefit/cost analysis, economic performance indicators, development impact, investment optimization, economic models, engineering models, multi-modal analysis, forecasting tools, economic appraisal and evaluation, Pavement Management Systems, Road Management Systems, Port Management Systems, Bridge Management Systems, budget analyses, cost-benefit analyses, evaluation of transport infrastructure, market structure assessments, project planning and budget prioritization programs, prioritization, ranking, World Bank, HDM, economic impact analysis, road safety