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Transportation Research Board (TRB)

Transportation Research Board (TRB)

TRB is one of six major divisions of the National Research Council— a private, nonprofit institution that is the principal operating agency of the National Academies in providing services to the government, the public, and the scientific and engineering communities. The program is supported by state transportation departments, federal agencies including the component administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and other organizations and individuals interested in the development of transportation. Economikr has rendered services to TRB under subcontract to EDR Group, including participation in the SHRP2 program. Economikr personnel regularly attend the Annual TRB conference, held in January in Washington, DC, and currently hold membership in 2 TRB committees - Transportation Economics and Transportation and Economic Development.


economic feasibility, economic feasibility study, transport economics, energy economics, environmental economics, economic consultant, economic consultancy, economic analysis, master plans, asset management systems, pavement management systems, economic evaluation, ranking and optimization, demand and supply assessment, demand and supply forecasting, economic modeling and research, benefit/cost analysis, economic performance indicators, development impact, investment optimization, economic models, engineering models, multi-modal analysis, forecasting tools, economic appraisal and evaluation, Pavement Management Systems, Road Management Systems, Port Management Systems, Bridge Management Systems, budget analyses, cost-benefit analyses, evaluation of transport infrastructure, market structure assessments, project planning and budget prioritization programs, prioritization, ranking, World Bank, HDM, economic impact analysis, road safety